About Us

Four Generations Of Family Commitment

TEAMSESCO is a fourth generation family business, founded and owned by the Smith family, which has been providing technology services to industry for 100 years. That is what we do. What we are about is sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with our customers, suppliers, and employees through the quality of our work and the manner in how we live our lives.

TEAMSESCO is blessed to employ some of the most talented technical and repair specialists, highly trained inside and outside sales professionals, and customer-oriented administrative staff in the service industry. We feel that the Lord has assembled this gifted team to honor Him through the repairs, services, and products that we provide to our customers. We are privileged to serve you and accept that responsibility humbly and with a keen awareness of the trust that you have placed in us. Please pray for us as we strive to honor God each day through our work and our lives.